
Looking at the past two years, one could conclude that the key requirements of leadership are flexibility and empathy. While these qualities are certainly beneficial, the enduring requirement of leadership is to be contextually effective to suit the challenges you face. What type of change are you trying to achieve? While this article outlines an approach that uses mapping, mindset, and messaging, what resonates most with me is the mindset piece. For instance, if enhanced magnitude is your goal, then the required mindset is that of rising to a challenge, regardless of current performance. When the goal is reimagining activity, then you should focus on experimentation and targeted risk taking. If a shift in direction is called for, then building belief among employees, customers, and partners would be best for the business. Please reach out to me to discuss whatever change you are trying to achieve.

Further Reading

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Why You Should Make Friends at Work
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How CEOs Empower Employees to Achieve Success
Further Reading

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