
While I usually try to stay away from race, gender, religion, and other sensitive topics in my social media, I couldn’t stop myself from posting this article for all of you to read. It has to do with sensitivity—and frankly awareness—in the workplace. The subtitle says it all, “I just wanted to be a scientist, not a trailblazer. But in my field, people like me are anomalies—and we face constant scrutiny for our race and gender.” While our society has come so very far and is successfully achieving more equality in our companies than ever, I think we need to take a step back to evaluate the bigger picture, as well as a step forward to imagining ourselves in a similar position as the author. A great outcome would be for the next generation of diverse high achievers to not consider themselves to be aliens. Please reach out to me to start a conversation about achieving equality, along with sensitivity to the individual.

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