P&C Global | Management Consulting

Senior Leadership

Meet Our Visionaries: Steering P&C Global Towards New Horizons

At P&C Global, our leadership is more than a group of executives; they are visionaries and trailblazers at the forefront of industry innovation. With over 130 seasoned leaders guiding a talented team of 7,500+ professionals, we bring a wealth of diverse experiences and profound expertise to every challenge. Our leadership team, encompassing senior corporate executives, operational leaders, and heads of various practice groups, is the driving force behind our legacy of excellence and innovation. Each leader brings a unique perspective, contributing to our collective wisdom and shaping the future of management consulting. Explore the minds and stories behind P&C Global’s transformative journey.

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Cardozo Sofia SharePoint for Teams 11302022

Sofia Araya-Cardozo

Senior Managing Director
Duncan Jana SharePoint 11292022 1

Jana Duncan

Senior Managing Director
San Francisco
Page Regina 12302022

Regina Page

Senior Managing Director
Powers Erin SharePoint 05152023

Erin Powers

Senior Managing Director
Carl White SharePoint 11292022

Carl White

Managing Director
Beverly Hills
Glenn Meyer SharePoint 11292022

Glenn Meyer

Managing Director
Goodman Brooke SharePoint 11302022

Brooke Goodman

Managing Director
Allen Tom SharePoint 11302022

Tom Allen

Managing Director
Schneider David SharePoint 11302022

David Schneider

Senior Practice Director
Private Equity
Cahill Lorette SharePoint 11302022

Lorette Cahill

Practice Director
Financial Services

Will Reeves

Practice Director
Professional Services
North America

Jayme Williams

Managing Director
Corporate Development
Ingram Matthew SharePoint 11302022

Matthew Ingram

Engagement Leader
Asuman Nazmi SharePoint for Teams 11292022

Asuman Nazmi

Engagement Leader
Robinson Tim SharePoint 11302022

Tim Robinson

Engagement Leader
Valdez Marco SharePoint 11302022

Marco Valdez

Engagement Leader

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